In compliance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (hereinafter RGPD) and of the previously established in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD), Moto Recambios VFerrer SL owner and administrator company of the web hosted under the domain, whose identification data as responsible for the treatment for this purpose are:

Owner: Motorecambios VFerrer, S.L.
Registration: Registro Mercantil de Valencia (España) tomo 2.317 general 799, sección 4ª Libro Sociedades, folio 157, hoja 14.207
Tax Identification: B-46550752
Registered Office: Avd. Joanot Martorell, 18 - 46600 - Alzira - Valencia

Informs its customers and users that any personal data you provide will be included in each automated files of personal data, created and maintained under the responsibility of Moto Recambios VFerrer S.L. for the following purposes:

a) Purchase process with receipt of data through the purchase form.

The purchase process on in relation to the processing of personal data can adapt 2 variants:

  • Purchase as a registered customer, in which the customer creates a user account on the web for the management and administration of their orders.
  • Purchase as an unregistered customer, in which the customer does not have an administration panel for their orders as a user on the web.

Provided data

The data necessarily provided by the client includes terms of identification, contact and package delivery location, which are part of this process; that is, email, name, surname, address, zip code, city, country, province, telephone.

The client can voluntarily enter data of a commercial nature such as the name and identification of the company to which the invoice is issued, if applicable.

Treatment and purpose

The purpose of receiving and processing this data is the course of the order placed on this website or the communication of any purely commercial aspect that affects orders previously processed and completed or in the process of completion, as well as the use of contact mechanisms established for the notification of incidents with the status of the order, availability of the requested material, follow-up of the order, contact by the transport company (for the resolution of incidents with the order delivery) or valuation of the service provided and the products supplied by the validating company.

In no case will the data provided by the user or client be transferred to third parties, physical or legal, with a different purpose to the aforementioned for a treatment or use that differs from the relationship as a customer or user established with Motorecambios VFerrer, S.L. through this web.


b) Questions about products

The user interested in asking a question about a product of our website can make it directly from the product page, the data collected here (name, email, phone - optional- and question) are only used by our commercial service to answer the question raised, this relationship ends at the moment when the question is answered. This data is not used for any other action and it’s not transferred to any third party.


c) Opinions about products

The user interested in giving his feedback about a known product can do so on the product page by filling in a form in which no personal data is stored, since it doesn’t request an email or telephone, the only fields requested are the title of the opinion, the comment to be displayed and a name or pseudonym that does not imply the need to insert a personal name. This form is only used to review the customer's opinion about a product in question.

d) General contact form

Used for the question or clarification related to any website use or operation aspect, the processing status of an order or query on a product, the only personal data collected is the email of the user who asks the question since it is the necessary mechanism to be able to answer The data requested here is only used for the sole purpose of contacting the customer to answer to the message, ending its use with it.


e) Newsletter

Only the email address of the person interested in receiving notices, communications or commercial information in relation to the products or services advertised on this website is requested, at no time will this email address be transferred to third parties outside this company for purposes other than previously exposed.


f) Request for availability of product stock

When a product is out of stock, a small form is enabled in which the user can enter their email address to be notified automatically when this product becomes available again, the email address entered is used only to send the user an automatic email about the availability of the product, when that communication occurs the data is no longer used for any other process, this email address is not transferred to any third party outside the company for purposes other than the one described above.



Moto Recambios VFerrer S.L. guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data provided. In this way, it undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to keep them and adopt all necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized use.

Customers of Moto Recambios VFerrer SL At can exercise at any time the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, communicating it to our email address or writing to Moto Recambios VFerrer S.L. with registered office at Avd. Joanot Martorell, 18 (46.600) of Alzira (VALENCIA).

We take the protection of your data very seriously, which is why we annually submit our services to an external audit to maintain quality standards and protection.



On our website we guarantee the information and access by the interested party to your personal data, which is why we guarantee at all times:

  • The right to access your personal data and the portability of the data.
  • The right to rectify or suppress your personal data.
  • The right to grant and withdraw your consent.

These actions can be performed directly by the user, however you can contact us at so we can help you and inform you how to exercise your rights.

In the account section you can at any time:

  • View your stored connection data.
  • Ask us for a file with all the information stored in the database.
  • Proceed to delete your account and delete the data from our store, as long as there are no invoices issued or an order still in progress.



The entire navigation environment of this website is protected under a secure SSL encryption code renewable over time, this ensures that both the receipt of data and its subsequent storage is carried out under strict security protocols that prevent its capture and subsequent fraudulent use by third parties.



For navegate our website it is necessary to use cookies, small data files, used in order to improve navigation through and the service provided by Moto Recambios VFerrer S.L. but they do not store any kind of personal information related to the users, the information obtained is anonymous.

Cookies Policy. uses cookies for its operation. Specifically, it uses cookies encompassed in the categories:

  • Cookies strictly necessary (techniques). Necessary for the correct navigation of the user through the web.
  • Cookies of third parties such as those used by social networks or by external supplements.
  • Analytical cookies. Cookies associated with Google Analytics are used, which aim is to collect anonymous information about the navigation of users through the website in order to know statistical data of visits.

Most browsers automatically accept "cookies" but it is also possible to configure them for non-acceptance. In this case, the user will be able to browse the web, but in order to make a purchase at it will be essential that the browser accepts the so-called "session cookies", those that only exist while staying at and that disappear if the browser is closed. In the "Help" section of most browsers it is indicated how to modify the cookie settings of your browser.
